Saturday, February 1, 2014

Farewell Pete

We as the human race, lost a great friend this last week. Peter "Pete" Seeger transitioned out of this world at age 94.

Pete was a life long activist and singer, who made great contributions, by singing and telling tales. Pete and I would be worlds apart on political stance, but he gains all my respect on the way he addressed causes with a smile and a strumming banjo. Here was a man who sang with Woody Guthrie, and marched with protesters for civil rights. He protested the Viet Nam war, while being a life long VFW member, having served in the Army in the Pacific during World War Two. He loved the Hudson river and sailing on it's waters and fought for its water quality, and clean up. And he continued performing and singing into his 90s, despite having been black listed during the McCarthy era. Because of being black listed, he was never allowed to perform on television and radio during the peak of his career.

Pete taught us that even though we may disagree with on another, we could do so peacefully and with a smile. He shared his songs freely, and loved nothing better than to have people singing along. Pete could touch people's hearts in way very few can. Written in a circular pattern around the head skin of his trusty banjo are these words, "this machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender". I think that sums up best what I may be trying to say about the man, and it is the lesson he left us all, to be kind and love each other.

Pete, you left the world a better place because you were here. You will be missed, and I will never forget your songs. I leave you with the words to one of Bob Dylan's songs, that Pete always loved to sing. "May God bless and keep you, may your wishes all come true. May you always do for others, and let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars, and climb up every rung, and may you stay Forever Young"

May you stay Forever Young.
Old Captain sends.