Saturday, March 27, 2010


The ever watchful boatman above stands as a memorial in Key West cemetery to the 266 men who died in the explosion of the USS Maine, in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898. This incident helped lead the United States into war with Spain, and to this day still stirs controversy.
I am up way to early on a Saturday, doing laundry no less, and watching the morning news. The last week of news has been painful to watch. I feel at times I am watching our country come apart. I most defiantly do not feel HOPE. Battle lines are being drawn and the President urges it on. This indeed could be a pivotal point for our country.
The left has cred out that they are being threatened, and in no way do I think a threat to anyone life is acceptable behaviour, but when you are an elected official and you stand against your very constituency, pull up your big boy pants and stand by. The left seems to have forgotten all the attacks and protest against President Bush. They seem to have forgotten the outspoken Michael Moore and his propaganda movies. Ah, how selective they are! They really think that most Americans are behind their votes, but they are getting threats, what could be wrong? Heads up, listen to the people who put you there.
I have served our country for 30 years now, wearing a uniform. That in it's self makes you a target. I have served in many areas where people wanted to do us harm as military members. Toughen up Congress, there are always going to be people who don't like you, no matter which side you take. To make a political attack against the other party because you were threatened is unacceptable, and just shows what whiners you are. Just remember when we go to war and fight, we fight for the protesters as well as the supporters. We fight for the left wingers who call us baby killers, as well the right wing who sings our praises. Man up, woman up, when you take a stand, stand by it and expect the return fire.
Old Chief Sends,

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