Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Desk, The Writer, And The Weather

A leisurely start to the Saturday here at the shack, between the swamp and the sea. All young adult males made it in safe from all Friday night activities, and the stage was set for sleeping in, and by that it normally means around 0800. Got up, made coffee, feed red dog, and the cats, drank too much coffee, now bouncing of the walls, have decided to clean off desk and return it to a usable form. Have also decided it might help my writing motivation to pick up.  Read Bible verse for inspiration Matthew 19: 14, posted by a friend feeling sad, deep thoughts, and feeling grateful, back to desk.

NO. First more thought about writing, read this: "Writers aren't exactly people...They're a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." F. Scott Fitzgerald. Now wondering why even worry about writing. Read a short story from Gene Hill also, written about a bird dog, now feel the need to pet Woody, then get to the desk.

At some point after 1000, two young adult males roll out of bed and invade the den. At this point it should be added, that some desk straighting has occurred, but now progress stalls as we all parlay and catch up on shedules, and the like. Sometime around noon the two young adult males announce an expedition of bike riding through the refuge, I am asked "You are going to go with us aren't you?"
Think about this, NO, its 90 plus degrees and the humidity is around 70%. It will storm later, and besides that the yellow flies will be terrible. So, no not going, Getting back at that desk.

I can now see the color of the wood on top of the desk. I have burned some useless paperwork and files, and have started to organize things into neater piles. Not so sure that actually qualifies as cleaning yet, oh well, hungry need a sandwich sit down for a moment and rest, then get back on the desk.

May have made fatal error, turned on TV to check weather, there is a very good movie on, "The Wild Geese". As stated may be in trouble now, but  must say at least I can set in the desk chair now, and there is only one fishing vest hanging on it. Will get back to the desk later.

1445, The storm is building over the river, two young adult males still on bicycle trek through the swamp, they are going to get wet. This movie is really good, Richard Burton, Roger Moore, Richard Harris, playing mercenaries. Desk is waiting but not forgotten. Thunder is rumbling in the distance.

1530, Frog drowning rain. Two young adult males have returned just in front of rain. Mark got good pictures of baby gators, and still has all his fingers and toes. The desk now has a workable area, and I have uncovered things I thought were lost to the ages. Beginning to regret this desk cleaning  Mission though its taking all day.

OK, calling it quits, enough is enough for one day,

Old Capt Sends.


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