Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Update

Things have been busy here between the swamp and the sea. Our majestic live oaks are in full bloom with new growth and the pollen from them is giving our sinuses fits. The fishing has been slow, and graduation for the youngest adult male is just around the corner. The dog got left outside last night and around one o'clock in the morning he woke me up howling to get back in the house, but only after eating the screen door off the back porch. Thus goes life here in the low country.
There is always grass to be cut, leaves to be raked, laundry, cooking, repairing screen doors to be repaired jeeps and boats that have to be constantly tweaked to keep running. When does a retired guy get a break? That answer is still out there some where.

Hemingway wrote every morning, before playing every afternoon and into the night. Why can't I seem to make that work? Once again that answer is still out there some where. The plain fact of the matter is, it takes a lot of work to be me. Now the good lord knows that I am a work in progress, and I try to do the best I can. On some days that best is better than others, but make no mistake it is always my best. Never thought I would be missing the days when I could back my sea bag and climb on the plane and be off to adventure some where in the world, but for now those days are through, and I must carry on here. Yes, it takes a lot of work to be me, and I have greater respect of those who manage the home front than ever before.

Just so you know I'm not all about blues, a lot was accomplished today and we do have a newly rebuilt screen door on our back porch. Everyone has clean clothes and all have been feed.I always have tomorrow to look forward to, and the sunshine of dawn. I close now with some words of wisdom from Don Blanding.

I USED TO SAY........

Having sighted Heaven
   And having lived in Hell
I would not chose the middle-ground
  As a place to dwell.


Heaven for a little while
   (the altitude is heady).
Hell...well, just a glimpse of it
  To keep my footsteps steady.
Now, I'll choose the middle-ground
  And plow and rake and hoe it
To raise a crop of happiness.
  I've found the seeds to sow it.

Old Captain Sends.


  1. This touching my heart Scott all your words do. I know the dog felt awfully lonely and scared outside, not being use to it, I miss your words of wisdom and your friendship. If only.

  2. I have to type those letters in to prove I'm not a robot, before I can publish what I say to you. LOL
