Monday, July 29, 2013

Remember The FID, Trial By Fire

Forty six years ago today, while conducting flight operations on Yankee Station off the coast of Vietnam, the USS Forrestal caught fire, resulting in the largest loss of life by the U.S. Navy since world war two.

I was in boot camp in 1979, when I first saw the Navy training film "Trial By Fire", and heard the story of the USS Forrestal fire. The Chief that taught us fire fighting that day at RTC Orlando, was a survivor of the fire. He taught us the lessons that were learned that day in 1967, where 134 of his shipmates had paid with their lives. I never have forgot those lessons and they served me well throughout my Naval career, having been involved in several fires at sea.

134 brave men paid the ultimate price on that July day, and 166 more were injured. The names of the 134 who perished are inscribed forever on panel 24E of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington D.C. Those of us who saw the films of this fire over and over throughout our Naval careers, may not know all the names, but I can tell you this, they are not forgotten.

I was reminded about this today by a good friend and shipmate, who also posted the words from the Forrestal's Skipper to the ships crew on that day. It bears posting here, hat tip to Big John for reminding us all.

 July 29, 1967 "Men of Forrestal, this is the Captain. There are no words that say what comes from our hearts tonight. Yet we must try. I ask you to join with me in this humble effort to express our thanks and our deep, deep debt to Almighty God. Let us pray: Our heavenly Father, we see this day as one minute and yet a lifetime for all of us. We thank you for the courage of those that gave their lives in saving their shipmates today. We humbly ask you to grant them peace. And to their loved ones, the conciliation and strength to bear their loss. Help us to renew the faith we have in you. We thank you for our own lives. May we remember you as you have remembered us today. From our hearts we turn to you now, knowing that you have been at our sides in every minute of this day. Heavenly Father, help us to rebuild and reman our ship so that our brothers who died today may not have made a fruitless sacrifice. Amen" -Captain Beling

46 years ago today, 134 men died on the USS Forrestal in the fire. They gave their lives to save the ship and their shipmates in a time of need. They were Sailors to the end and Heroes for eternity. FID- Forever in Dignity and First in Defense.

We honor and remember them today and everyday.

Master Chief Sends.

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