Saturday, August 3, 2013

22 Inches of rain, Shark Week Is Coming, and Vintage M&Ms

We have had 22 plus inches of rain here between the swamp and the sea, and needless to say we are a little saturated. I don't mean to complain, but when we got a break in the precipitation action it was good to be fishing. On our latest inshore expedition, sharks were the order of the day. Maybe they know it's almost shark week on the Discovery channel, I don't know. My intrepid fellow captain, did mix things up a bit, by scoring on a very rare form of inshore slam, he caught a shark, a stingray, and even a mullet, all on rod and reel. Very rare indeed, just not quite sure where to rank it,
I have also spent a lot of time cleaning house while it is so hot, and so rainy that one does not want to be outside. Today I took a break from cleaning and talked to an old friend of mine, whom we shall just call Dufus. Ole Dufus and always pick up a body's mood and in general make one feel better about ones self.
Dufus told me he had been kind of down because of the weather himself, but was keeping busy, by cleaning house as well. He also related to me the following story. I n the midst of his cleaning, he had opened a box that had most likely not been open for a large number of years. At least 30 to 40 years, to be exact. It was in this particular box that the astounding discovery was maid. Amongst the dust and the clutter, he found a very faded blueish orb shaped object, a bit smaller than a cats eye marble, and clearly displayed upon it was a very legible black M. Dufus then deduce that it was a vintage M&M candy. Zowie, he thought! Must share this treasure with someone, and once again I present the following exchange as it occurred through text messaging with his girl friend.
Dufus: "I found a vintage M&M"
Girlfriend: ?????
Girlfriend: LOL
Dufus: "Yep, must be 30 years old"
Girlfriend: "Lol, Keep it if you don't want it I do"
Dufus: "I already ate it"
Girlfriend: Lol
Dufus: "I mean, how many people can say that. WOW!"
Girlfriend: Dufus!
Dufus: Why?
Girlfriend: Cuz
Girlfriend: " It would have made a great intro for my math class"
Dufus: " Have you ever seen a 35 year old M&M?"
Dufus: "If I find another, you can have it."
Girlfriend: :)
Dufus: "I don't think they are like wine"
Girlfriend:" I am sure I have seen one, I used to eat them all the time. Dufus"
Girlfriend:  "Tasted the same?"
Dufus: "Again with the Dufus"
Girlfriend: "Tee Hee"
Dufus: "Tasted like shit! I nearly pucked!"
Dufus: Puke, dang phone!"
Girlfrien: LOL
Just the way I heard it from the source, I kid you not, and the moral of this story? Well there isn't any.
Old Captain Sends. 


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