Thursday, January 9, 2014

Chia Si, Just Stopping By

A Christmas gift of a Chia Si, now resides on the work bench in the man room. Now some say, Si and the intrepid Captain are a lot a like. Now I can't say for sure if that is the truth or not, but I guess one could be do worse than to be compared to Uncle Si.

We both made careers of the military, but differing branch's and differing wars. We both posses gray whiskers, we both have to wear glasses these days. We both pull our long hair back into pony tails, and almost always wear a hunting cap.

I was a Duck Commander fan long before the hoopla and fanfare of the current television show, we used to have to see the duck men on DVD or, catch them on the Outdoor channel to see them whacking and stacking ducks. I have a signed Phil Robertson duck call from many years ago, and I was a member of an organization called Duckaholics Anonymous founded by the Duck Commander himself.

It has been gray and cold here in the frozen north lands of Florida, at the shack between the swamp and the sea. Lots of gray days, not the best days for the old captain. The hunting is winding down a bit and the northeast winds have made fishing a challenge. But today as I re-positioned Chia Si to the man room, I had to smile. Just maybe I do have the strength and faith of my fellow duck man, and Chia Si and I but have a liberal amount of good red southern dirt in us, and maybe that is what enables us to endure the gray days. Say your prayers and think of our brave shipmates lost at sea yesterday, and also the ones still facing challenges ahead.

God Bless, Old Captain Sends

1 comment:

  1. I sure do enjoy reading what you write and learning from you. Capt Scotty, you have a gift from God, more than one. Thank you for sharing.
