Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Othopedic Thuesday

So, today after a month of waiting since an MRI, I finally got to see an Orthopedic Doctor, for my shoulder. All things considered, with VA and veterans health care issues, I guess that is really not so bad.

Anyone that knows me, knows there is not much that I despise worse than Doctor's offices. I don't like cheerful receptionists, that ask how are you today? Hell, if you were doing great, you wouldn't be in a doctor's office. Then there is the dozen odd pieces of paper work, were you have to sign your life away, before you are even allowed to enter into the inner sanctum of examination rooms.

Then there is the waiting, I spent 32 years in the Navy, where events that are designated to occur at a given time, will occur at that time. No so in the modern doctor's world. After waiting for half hour or so in the main waiting area, where I might add they have a bad home improvement show on the television provided for your entertainment, you get to move through the magical door to the second waiting area, in a hallway full of even more magical doors leading to examination rooms. Here is where I get to sit and watch the other patients come and go. Some seem happy, they, I gather are the success stories, the ones who's treatment worked, but oh, the others who look like they might expire at any moment worry me much more. Some do not seem happy, period, I'll leave that right there.
Now, an hour and a half past appointment time, I move into a room, where I get to wait longer. At least in the examination room, I get to explore all the drawers and play with the computer that has pictures of my shoulder on it. Think about that next time you are stuck waiting in an examination room, maybe the person waiting before you may have rambled through all the drawers and cabinets. I also enjoy the ambiance of the decor, break-down diagrams of knee and hip replacements. I, being fairly mechanically blessed, studied these pictures, at length, for over another thirty minutes, and I am now sure that I could replace either joint, so if you want a discount job done, let me know.

Once I finally meet the doc, he is a nice young man, who seems to know what's going on, lets me know that my MRI is inconclusive, and he would like to have another one done with dye. Oh boy, got to wait on insurance to approve that, I'll see how long a wait that will be. Also, he over-loads me with talk of supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons, spurs, tendonitis capsulitis, and possible tears. We also talk about ice and no heat, physical therapy, and steroid injections, and did I happen to tell you it is now after 1600 (4 o'clock pm ), and I am in Riverside. Luckily I know the back roads to a great eatery, and they have cold beer and wonderful food;  that makes it much easier to wait out rush hour.

Ok, so not a great hunting or fishing report, but happy to say I am safe, back in the shack  between the swamp and the sea. Once again, waiting, at least this time, I control the television.

Old Captain Sends.

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