Thursday, September 11, 2014

We Were Different Back Then

We were different back then.

Although not so long ago to some of us, it seems like ages to so many.  Collectively, we just didn't see it coming, yet it came.  Since then, our world has not been the same, nor will it ever be.

What it gave us was a reason to be united, yet that only lasted for a moment; oh how soon that lesson was forgotten.  How soon we return to partisan bickering.  We turn our politics into a football game, where it only matters that our team wins.  We the people have all lost because of this.

Tomorrow morning, a generation of kids will become teenagers, thirteen years old; they were born the day after 9/11 2001.  Let's let that sink in.  It's popular to post, "Never forget" on your page, and we shouldn't forget.  It is also popular to post your story of where you were on that day, and I know I remember.

Today, I choose to remember the heroes at all the sites.  I choose to remember all the innocent victims lost on that day.  I choose to think of all the brave souls we have lost since that day, who inspire us to move forward.  Last, but by no means least, I will remember the group of patriots I was with on that day, who saddled up and went looking for bad guys. I thank God for them all.

Yes, we were different back then, and now we always will be changed.  I leave it up to you to decide if that is better or worse.

Me, I'm going deer hunting, but it's always on my mind.

Old Captain sends

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