Thursday, May 20, 2010


May 21,1963 is on of the most important days in my life. I as a young boy, ceased being an only child on that day, and became a big brother as well. My beloved baby sister was born on that day at Crawford W. Long hospital in Atlanta Georgia. That is before they referred to Atlanta as the ATL.

I got to make the trip to Atlanta from our home in Lithia Springs, to pick up our Mother and the brand new baby. A trip to Atlanta in those days was a big deal all in its self, it was something that just didn't happen every day. You had to do things like become a big brother to get to go.I can remember being dressed in Sunday best by my Grandmother, and well briefed on how I was to behave. She also washed my face extra hard least I show signs of jelly from breakfast. She had this way of scubaing my face like the top layer of skin offended her, sometimes she even dampened her handkerchief with spit! Anyway once I had passed Maw Maw's inspection I was loaded into the family car for the long ride into downtown Atlanta, there were no expressways back then. I can remember being amazed by the hospital and even got to see inside the lobby, which seemed like a nice hotel back then, they seem much different now.

My most important memory of that day is when my Mother got into the back seat holding my new sister and sat next to me. I was allowed to hold my new sister in my lap, and in that magical moment it seems I can remember her grinning at me. I guess she knew then she had changed my life. We rode home with mom holding you because there were no car seats for baby's back then.

Sandy, you are the first person I ever got to watch grow up and I have always been very proud of you. I had to learn a lot about life in 1963, but you were the best part of it. From your older brother who has had to make a profession by being the mean one, I love you with all my heart. I hope you have the best birthday ever and many more.


1 comment:

  1. Sandy Umphrey PowersMay 20, 2010 at 8:36 PM

    Many thanks to you bro for the good birthday wishes. I can honestly say I am sure glad God gave you to me for a big brother! I can't really imagine it being anyone else. I have learned a lot from you over the years, especially how not to do certain things! Just watching and learning from some of the things you got yourself into helped spare me the trouble later on. We don't live close to one another anymore but I know you're only a phone call and plane ticket away and that's a big comfort many days. Thanks for being the best big brother any girl could ever ask for! I love you too!
