Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't Be Cruel

After being drafted into the Army in December of 1957, Elvis Presley reported to the Memphis draft board to be inducted into service, this day in 1958. Now no matter what you think of the boy from Tupelo Mississippi, you have to give him props for interrupting his rock and roll career to serve his country. Now Elvis had his share of troubles later on in his life, but let's let "he who is without sin cast the first stone". Old Elvis did his part, as asked.

Hard to imagine a story like that today, the only notable exception that comes to mind is that of Pat Tillman who gave up his NFL career to join the Army after the September 11 attacks, resulting ultimately in his death in Afghanistan.

The point to this, "to those who much is given, much is asked". Some people truly get that, some never will. You see, we have already been given the much, being allowed to live in a free country.
It is up to us now to take back control of who we elect and of how they represent us, and to preserve the very freedoms which we hold dear. The ones who will come after us, deserve that.

So once again, I encourage you to get involved, text, call, and write your elected officials and let your voice be heard.

And today say a special prayer for your Marines in the Helmund Province of Afghanistan as they take the fight to the terrorist who oppose freedom.

And yes, Mr. Vice President, it is a "BIG F***ing Deal"

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