Monday, March 22, 2010

Thanks Dave, this say it all!

"I think it's time to put these people in the Sen. and Congress on the same playing field as the common man. These people have lined there pockets for years never paying a dime in Social Security and not only that but their spouses draw from the system also never putting a dime into the program. I think it is time to clean house, and as far as the U.S telling other country's to tear down there walls, Why is it that we are building our own walls? We have a nation that is divided in almost half and we are building walls to keep others from coming into this great country for there shot at freedom, just like our ancestors did to get us here in the first place. The biggest problem in this nation is they removed God from public schools, seperated church and state, took the 10 commandments off the walls in congress and allow abortion as a form of birth control, allow homosexuality and same sex marriages to take place because of the voice of a few liberal people who feel that they are mistreated or forgotten about. We need help People."


  1. Scotty,

    Thanks for sharing this blog! This is a great way to share our thoughts and FACTS! 2700 pages in this bill probly has more surprises for “we the people” . I have asked sent these questions to Congressman Obey and Senator Feingold both Democrats from Wisconsin with no answers.

    1. As a retired military member, I dedicated 23 years of my life “ worked” for Tricare medical insurance. I paid for it. How will my family be effected by this bill? Do I now have to purchase insurance again? If so, this would be a personal “loss” and subject to a law suit.

    2. Obama states 32 million Americans will now have access to healthcare. 16 million will now be able to afford it….. Must purchase it. Because Uncle Sam says so. If they don’t, the IRS will catch and fine them. The other half or 16 million do not make enough money to afford health insurance, and will receive Medicaid. Another program that is BROKE, BUSTED, and AFU. Taxes, Taxes, and Taxes. These people that need help or benefits should receive drug test.

    3. Of these 32 million. How many are drug addicts, dealers, criminals, and have fraudulently apply for social programs. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and State programs? ACORN was a fine example. All of the programs are Busted. The Baby Boomer are retiring at an incredible rate. States will have to pick up the burden. Our leaders have raped these programs for years and are now pawning the problem off on the individual states and working people. Taxes, Taxes, and Taxes.

    4. The Elite left says give a little more….. Our children and grand children are going to pay for the Dereliction of Duty the last few administration have committed.

    In closing: I fined it absolutely astonishing to watch the same group of people that so strongly support a women’s right to chose, turn around and take the freedom of choice away from “we the people” when it comes to their own health. What’s next. General Motors is going down the tubes. All Americans must purchase a Chevy. The 16 million that can’t afford one, will all be given Silverado’s. My great grandparents both came from Finland settled and earned their citizenship. What an accomplishment! They were true Americans!

    Write your Congressmen and Senators.

    Very Respectfully,


  2. So... a health care plan was passed that was written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it...passed by a Congress that exempts themselves from be signed by a president who smokes...with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes...all to be overseen by a... surgeo......n general who is obese... and financed by a country that's broke.
    It is my firm belief that the true and honest goal of the current administration is to further devide the country and increse it's dependancy on others in the hopes to further their own wealth and power. They show now forthought as to the prolonged affect on this great nation of ours. So I would like to personally thank all of the suddenly quiet folks that voted them all into office. Thank you for believing MTV and BET, and voting for the "Cool" guy. Ya bunch of sheep!
