Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Drill, Baby, Drill

POTUS wants to open up areas off the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico to drill for oil. I can not wait to hear the liberal spin on this broken campaign promise! This should be an entertaining day.

I personally heard him say as a presidential hopeful, while standing on the banks of the St. Johns river in Jacksonville Florida, that there was no benefit to this, and it was something that he would not consider. I am sure my liberal friends will try to convince me that is not what he meant, and that it must have been the tinnitus in my ears acting up.

Now I am some what of a tree hugger, I like trees. I would rather send time out in the woods than to be around a lot of people that I know. I love the ocean, I have spent a great deal of my adult life on the open sea, and I want to see it protected. I even had an ecology symbol on my high school ring. I was trying to be green before it was a cool catch phrase.

To use our resources wisely is the right thing to do. We have to cut our dependence on foreign resources. I have a lot of friends who are in the tree business, and a favorite saying with them is "If you want more forests, use more paper". They will plant more trees, I guarantee that. On the same note we can drill without hurting the ocean, drill platforms are magnets for all kinds of fish, over time it could become just like a man made reef, and the fish could actually prosper.

So as much as it pains me to say so, Sir I agree with you on this one, but don't dare think it buys my vote.

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