Monday, February 25, 2013

And...More Rain

"For the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater," Isaiah 55:10.

There used to be an old television sit-com back in the days when I was young, called My Three Sons. Back when we only had 3 channels and, only in black and white, and felt very lucky to have that. Anyway the show which stared Fred MacMurry, who played a widower with three sons. There was also a character on the show named Uncle Charley played by William Demarest. The character was a hard nosed ex-sailor who lived with Fred and the boys serving as cook, maid, and house keeper in general.

Now as you read this and wonder where this is headed and what does this have to do with fishing, let me assure you, this will not help you catch more fish.  What I am driving at in my stumbling literary style is, that today I associate myself with Uncle Charley. I try very hard to keep a clean house and feed two young adult males. I wash a tremendous amount of laundry, I fold all of it to be stowed away by two young adult males, which sometimes happens and sometimes dosn't. I clean bathrooms, and mop floors and also take care of a big sissy red dog. Being a Navy Master Chief was a lot easier.

I am not complaining and I am thankful for all I have, including two messy young adult males, and I guess the sissy red dog, but I do hope the rain slacks up soon and I am back to more enjoyable endevers. In the mean time it is time to do more laudry, oil fishing reels, cook fish and grits for supper, and to be greatful to share some time with two young adult males.

Old Captain sends.

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