Sunday, February 24, 2013

Retired, and Returned!

I have been to long away from the writing desk. I guess I should list a long list of excuses as to why I gave up on this blog, but what would the point be?

I have now been widowed for over a year, been gone from my beloved Navy for almost a year. It has been a time of trial and of change. I have been blessed with a great support staff of family and friends.

More recently I have returned to fishing and to the water, and having said that, this will be the main topic of my blogs. Fitting since it has consumed most of my thoughts.

I am a Fisherman, perhaps that is what I always was. For over 32 years I was a warrior, and gave up a good many things that were important to me, but now I have returned to the very basics from which I came from. I often quote in my head the poem we had to commit to memory in the Navy, as a reply to how long we had been in, it starts "I was born on the crest of a wave, and rocked in the cradle of the deep". That is me, once old Master Chief, now a humble fisherman.

While at times fishermen may take a hard rap for maybe being known to stretch the truth on catches, or may be accused of turning to hard drink to break up a slow bite, I prefer to put those platitudes aside and remember that when Jesus went looking for help the first people he turned to were fishermen. He knew as I know people who fish work very hard, and find rewards in the simple things, smooth seas, clear sunrise and beautiful sunsets, ducks taking flight in front of an out bound boat, and the rich pleasure of eating fresh of the waters bounty. These are thoughts, that I hope to share on these pages in days to come.

Old Captain sends.

1 comment:

  1. It has been a year 3 months and a half almost that you wrote this. I hope life is treating you well. I wonder are you still fishing? Did you decide to return to your roots the Georgia Red Clay, or did you stay near the sea that you has been such great part of you life for so many years now? You will forever be a sailor with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, they look like the sea at the most lovely time, such a rare beautiful blue, your eyes are. I see a lovely soul in those eyes with lots, of pain and lots of joy. Take care and always remember you are loved very much.
