Wednesday, February 27, 2013

These Boots Are Made For..........

I have a very close friend who God bless her, loves to send me pictures of very sexy high heel shoes, that she loves. Now just to be clear I don't have any special affinity for shoes, but I do enjoy her pictures. I got to thinking about way back when I lived in the Philippine Islands and a gentleman named Marcos happened to be in charge of things there. He had a wife by the name of Imelda, and I think she made Guinness Book for owning the worlds largest shoe collection. In a country where most of the population were either barefoot or wearing rubber flip flops this was not such a special thing, but I digress.

I was straighting up the back porch today, my equivalent of a mud room, and was almost overcome with the amount of boots that I own.  The boots that I do own are absolutely necessary for everything I do. I have work boots that have steel toes, so that I don't mash my toes off with heavy stuff, I have boots that a snake can't bite through to turkey hunt in. I have boots to walk in the swamp and hunt in, I have chest high boots to duck hunt in. I have white boots to wear while I fish, I have slick sole cowboy boots made to dance the two-step in, and I even have boots that still have dog tags attached in the laces, from when I was in the Navy. I also have boots that didn't make the picture, that are in the garage. Some of them leak and I keep meaning to patch them, but they are all mine and each have their purpose.

Maybe I do have a boot fetish. I really don't think so, it just takes a lot of boots to be an Old Captain between the swamp and the sea. I started wearing boots many years ago when I was growing up in the red dirt country. I read the stories of Jack O'Connor and Gene Hill, and longed to be a great outdoors man. I also spent many hours in hunting camps and around camp fires with members of the "Greatest Generation" who had all come of age wearing boots in the service of our country.

You see I need my boots, and that's just the way it is. I have always had them on in one way or another. In closing I would like to shamelessly plug one of my favorite organizations, The Boot Campaign. They do what they do to support and help of nations Veterans. Please check them out at  .

As shoes are for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

Old Captain sends.

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