Monday, February 25, 2013

Rain, and "All Me Bloomin Life"

It is a rainy, stormy, Monday morning here between the swamp and the sea. A dark dreary kind of day, the kind that can way heavily on my sole. A day for domestic chores, with too much time spent indoors.

I was thinking of responses to questions asked that I had to learn while serving as a member of the canoe club, that is the U.S. Navy for all you land loving folk. Anyway I remember having to learn this poem that had to be repeated back in answer to the question, "how long have you been in the Navy". I now think of this when asked "how long have I been fishing.  Here in short is that poem, and I know that some of my bothers in arms will remember it well.

Question, How long you been in the Navy?

Answer: All me bloomin' life, Sir!
Me mother was a mermaid, me father was King Neptune.
I was born on the crest of a wave and rocked in the cradle of the deep.
Seaweed and barnacles are me clothes.
Every tooth in me head is a marlinspike; the hair on me head is hemp.
Every bone in me body is a spar, and when I spits, I spit tar!
I'se hard, I is, I am, I are!

So here ye now, a bit of nautical lore to ease you through a rainy day.

Old Captain sends.

1 comment:

  1. Like dinosaur bones...
    That's some good writing.
