Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of us. The was a move afoot in Iowa somewhere to change the name of the day to Spring Holiday, because I guess Good Friday was thought to be offencive to some people. I've got a plan for that if you find it offencive, don't listen to it, just don't try and push your displeasure of the name on to me.
When I was growing up over half a century ago, my Grandparents told me Good Friday was a day to start planting the summer garden. That usually meant work, and I mean work. Plowing, moving rocks, making furrows and planting seeds. It was a day off from school and that provided a labor force for accomplishing all these things. We also got to decorate hard boiled eggs with McCormick food coloring, where you would drop small amounts of color from small eye dropper type bottles into cups filled with hot water. My favorite part was mixing the colors, as I always thought I had a better idea of how a color should look.
It is a beautiful day here on Bone Island, and I hope it is for all you who may happen to read this. If you don't have to work today as some of us do, enjoy your day, but pause for a moment to remember the real reason of the day. Because on that original Friday, it wasn't a holiday.
God Bless

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