Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tropical Depression

It's not the weather, that's fine. It's just me, I've got the blues. Normally blues is my favorite style of music, but right now the music is not even helping. I know that I will shake this off and be back to normal pretty soon, but right now it's kicking my butt. It does not help that right now I am working for an  self serving idiot who has totally forgotten what service means, but that topic will be left for another time.

To any of my brothers and sisters in arms, you know that during the course of a deployment when you just want to go home, that's where I am. This starts to make it hard to write and be positive about much right now. I promise to you all I will get pass this and crank out some better pieces soon. Please bear with me.

A good friend gave me a neat line that says, "depression is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long." I don't know that this is totally true, but I do know that some times when you are standing on your own as a sole voice of reason, it will wear you down. So I hope to be back soon, will sign off now and listen to some blues and try to kick my own.

Old Chief Sends,


  1. Scotty my brother, shipmate, and friend. I know exactly the feeling. It seems you’re the only one with the damn backpack on all the time. You are expected to carry it. I do remember a fella that pack up his backpack one afternoon and said he quit and went home. The poor bastard standing next to me said “ how the hell am I going to explain this to the XO in the morning. LOL Brother I know you have crawled threw a many mud hole in your career. You are one fine man, awesome friend, and One Outstanding Master Chief. Is the fun meter pegged Scotty? Might be time to hit the beach and let those you trained for all those years carry that pack. I’ll just tell you it is hard to let go. What ever your thinking brother, here for you.

    Your friend,

  2. Thanks Dave for your encouraging words. I think my "Old Chief" might be heading around the bend.
    Scott everyone knows that you have done an amazing job and more... they just don't make them "as good as you" anymore. So like I said earlier, I am with you whatever decisions you need to make!
    Love ya. :)

  3. Scotty,
    Whatever is going on in your life, I hope it gives you some comfort to know that you have been a teacher and role model to many, many people in uniform....including myself!!! Whenever some self involved jackass starts sucking the life out of you, just focus on family and friends and everything will be marvelous....but I know you cracked that mystery long ago. Feel better my Brother!!!!

