Sunday, March 17, 2013

Do We All Want To Be Irish?

It is indeed Saint Patrick's day, what a great day for the Irish. On this day celebrated around the world, supposedly in honor of the patron saint of Ireland, who as I was told, ran all the snakes of the island.

Green beer, green rivers, wearing of the green and getting pinched if you don't. Leave it to a people who have had so much heartbreak, to give us so much fun and Guinness too. Everyone it has been said can be Irish today, and you can hear more claims of it today than any other time. I can hardly wait for Cinco de Mayo, then we can all claim to be Mexican and drink lots of Corona.

My point is this, we Americans have been lead to believe we can be what ever we want to be. I guess we can. We as a people seem to look for reasons to celebrate anything, and it usually includes the liberal use of alcohol, not that I am against this per say, I am just glad we pick fun countries like Ireland and Mexico to celebrate with. Just think it could be Saudi Arabia Day where we could all go for a camel ride, or North Korea Day where we all eat liberal amounts of kimchi. We have chosen well.

So, enjoy your corn beef, have another green beer and remember its damn good to be American.   

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