Saturday, March 16, 2013

My All Time Finest Catch

Every old fisherman has got that story of their most famous catch, and in this regard I am no different. Being that my best catch ever occurred in the month of March, I thought I would share the story.

Way back in 1990 sometime between operations "Earnest Will" and "Desert Storm", the old Captain found himself stationed at NATTC Millington Tennessee. The Navy in it's infinite wisdom, saw fit that I should attend AVI-C7 school in advanced electronics. Going to C7 school is not some of my fonder memories, however during that time I did make my finest catch. The finest to ever come out of the Memphis area.

When the catch was made I had no intention of it ever being a catch and release, which it wound up being, because I knew I had a keeper. I did get to keep my precious catch with me together in the live well of life for twenty two years, before she was released to a greater fisherman than I.

I married my finest catch and the love of my life on Saint Patrick's day 1990 in a room in front of an Irish judge, and no matter how long I live or fish, there will be no greater accomplishment, nor finer catch.

The days are getting longer and the weather warmer, the turkeys are strutting, and I think about her every day. I think of telling her all about the days fishing, then it hits me again. I took a walk in our woods today and found a red fern, I knew that was a sign, everything was going to be alright, and that she is walking in a better place with our Lord, no longer in pain. I know she knows I am doing my best, some days it is better than others, but it is always the best I can do. My main hope these days is when I am caught and pulled in from this world, that the great fisherman judges me good enough to keep and I get to be back with my finest catch.

Happy St Patrick's day to one and all!
May those that love us, love us,
and if not may God turn their hearts,
and if he can't turn their hearts, may he
turn their ankles, so that we know them by their limping.

God Bless,
Old Captain sends. 


  1. Wow! I knew when I saw your title which catch you were referring to. What a wonderful story, even if I do have huge alligator tears flowing down my cheeks. I love reading your blog worthy writings. They always make me smile. I'm sure your catch is enjoying the good reads too. Take care. :'-) Wendy

  2. I have had you on my mind today, and I know how hard it has been. (Been there myself) But yes, there is a brighter day ahead. Know I love you very much. One of the greatest catches of my life was on March 23rd, when God loaned you to me.
