Thursday, June 10, 2010

Facebook Threads

It amazes me how a simple random status post on Facebook can ignite a fury of response.  One thing that is for sure is people are passionate about what they believe in. No matter what party or system that you back, I think we can all agree the gulf oil leak is tragic. We are all to blame because we all drive cars, some even collect cars owning more than they need, and we all want cheap gasoline.

I have to guard against a lot of political opinion on my part, because I still work for the Commander In Chief, and no matter who that is or what party they hale from. Like it or not he is the boss, and I am under oath to follow his orders. I do have strong convictions of my own and most of my friends know what they are, but I have to be careful about posting my personal opinions on-line.  Also I opt not to become engaged in post to post arguments on Facebook, because I will not be pulled down to the level of the uninformed. I have spent more than my fair share of time in defence of this country, like a lot of my friends have, and I know this we all have the right to say what we want, even if what is said happens to be wrong. Brave men and women have fought and died to give us this right, and we should be ever mindful of that. Just don't post to  me about decorated war veterans being mistreated, because if you have never spent one night of discomfort in your life in defence of our nation, you may not understand who you are addressing.

Old Chief Sends,  

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Scotty, I have to agree and I thank you for your thoughts.
